The Aboriginal Best Start project name is ‘Tartu-nganyin Bopop’ which means ‘we are caring for children’. Aboriginal Best Start works in partnership with agencies and services to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children aged 0-8 years. We aim to ensure that Aboriginal children are healthy, happy and developmentally ready for school. Tartu-nganyin Bopop operates across the City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong.
Benefits include:
- Working with early childhood services to improve access for Aboriginal children and families
- Koori playgroups
- Back to School Day
- Family events run throughout the year
- Assists families to access funding for kindergarten and Early Start Kindergarten
- Literacy programs
Aboriginal Best Start can link you into early education services such as playgroups and kindergartens, as well as health and wellbeing services such as Maternal Child Health Nurses and immunisations.
For more information contact the Aboriginal Best Start Community Facilitator at the Co-operative on (03) 8902 9700.

(c) 2022 Dandenong & Districts Aborigines Co-Operative Limited