The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Constitution defines “Aboriginal Community Control in Health Services” in the following way:
Community Control is a process which allows the local Aboriginal community to be involved in its affairs in accordance with whatever protocols or procedures are determined by the Community.
The term Aboriginal Community Control has its genesis in Aboriginal peoples’ right to self-determination.
By definition, organisations controlled by Government to any extent are excluded.
“Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service” means:
- An incorporated Aboriginal organisation initiated by a local Aboriginal community
- Based in a local Aboriginal community
- Governed by an Aboriginal body which is elected by the local Aboriginal community
- Delivering a holistic and culturally appropriate health service to the Community which controls it.
The Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award defines “Aboriginal Community Control in Health Services” in the following way:
Aboriginal community controlled health services are incorporated Aboriginal organisations, initiated and based in an Aboriginal community. They are governed by a representative Aboriginal Board of Management which is elected by the local Aboriginal community. They deliver holistic and culturally appropriate health and well-being services to the Aboriginal community which controls them.

(c) 2022 Dandenong & Districts Aborigines Co-Operative Limited